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O R A N G E  C O U N T Y 

The study area of this case are the 34 cities of Orange County in Southern California. Orange County is one of the most wealthy areas in the United States so there are many unique socio-economic and demographic characteristics. However, I have selected two variables to investigate. First, the age group distribution between older population (65&over) and teenager(15-19). Second, the means of transportation between people who drives alone & people who takes public transportaiton. The purpose of looking into these two variables is to understand what age group of people is living in what area and what kind of transportation do they use in their daily life. Besides, I collected the data from the American Fact finder website in order to gather US Census American Community Survey five year estimates. And organize the data that I need for my map. Below is where I find the data of the two groups for each variable.

Variable 1: age group distribution


On the map below, we can see that the teenagers (15-19) of population are located in the inner part of orange county and the older population are located more round the ocean coast. This indicates older population are usually retired and rich to buy houses near the beach in order to enjoy their life. However, the teenagers are located at the eastside of orange county because more family are middle income resident so that they can only afford the housing that is not that expensive. Besides, there is a exception villa park, which is in the inner part of the city, has large percentage of older population. Therefore, over all, we can know that most of the older population are in the ocean coast of Orange County.

Variable 2: means of transportation


On the map below, we can understand that most of the people in the Orange county drives the car and over 70% of people drives alone to work. Especially people lives in Lake Forest, Seal Beach, Fountain Valley, Yorba Linda, Santa Margarita, Brea and La Palma. On the other hand, on the map of occupation who uses public transport shows that there are a few percentage (less than 10%) of people take public transportation to go work. The larger percentage of people taking public transportation are located at La Habra, Anaheim, Laguna woods and Santa Ana. Those data shows that inner part of the city takes public transportation to work more than people living in the coast. It is probably because there are more metro train rail and buses in those cities. Therefore, in Orange County, most of the population drives to work alone in their daily life.

 © 2018 / 06 by Emily Hsieh

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