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S a n t a   A n a  

The are total 41,972 parcels in the city of Santa Ana. There are 2157 numbers of commercial and services parcels; 33145 numbers of single family residential parcels; 2771 numbers of multi family residential; 78 numbers of other types of residential parcels and 111  numbers of open spaces parcel. The area of commercial and service parcel has 1669.151 acres; the area of single family residential has 5217.149 acres; the multi family residential has 1317.850 acres; the other types of residential has 386.486 acres and the open spaces has 463.953 acres in the city of Santa Ana. As the chart above, we can see that the residential land use occupy the biggest area in this city, especially the single family residential. And the commercial and service land use is the second largest land use area in Santa Ana. This indicates that the city of Santa Ana is a city that emphasized on the residential more than the commercial. Thus, this city is good for people to choose for residential and not for business.

Residential Land Use Map:


This is a map of Santa Ana and the land use data of residential is represented on this map. Multi family residential represented as autonite yellow; single family residential represented as solar yellow & other types of residential is yucca yellow. On this map, we can see that single family are the major group in this city and their residential areas are gathering together in the middle of Santa Ana. And some in the north east and north west of the city. Besides, most of the multi family residential are located at west and east side of the city.

Commercial Land Use Map:

This is a map of Santa Ana and the land use data of commercial appears on this map. Commercial and service land use is represented as poinsettia red. We can see that most of the commercial use land in Santa Ana  disperse in different parts of the city. However, those commercial land use area are in a linear shape, which means those commercial are usually located along a specific street. Moreover, there are some big area of commercial land use in each side of north, east, west and south. And the largest one located in the west side of the city of Santa Ana.

Open space Land Use Map:


This is a map of Santa Ana and the land use data of open space appears on this map. Open space and recreation is appeared as the color of medium apple. There are not a lot of open space land use in the city of Santa Ana. Most of them are located at the outside area. The largest one is on the east side of the city and the other small open areas are scatter on each different parts of the city. There is a long and thin open space land use in the north east of the city.

 © 2018 / 06 by Emily Hsieh

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